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Template Creation through JSON

Template creation through JSON

A data template is how you tell YoBulk data engine ,what you want your data to look like.

YoBulk enables any developer to create a template by importing a JSON schema. YoBulk editors supports AJV schema type.

Sample YoBulk Schema

"format": "first_name",
"validate": "(x) => {\r\n let regex = new RegExp(\"([a-z][a-zA-Z]*)\");\r\n return regex.test(x);\r\n }"
"status": {
"type": "string",
"first_name":"Only string(With character A-Z) type is accepted.",
"id":"Only valid interge format type is accepted",
"email":"Only Valid email ID format is accepted",
"date":"Only valid date format is accepted",
"status":"Only boolean is accepted"

YoBulk custom function fields:

YoBulk has added a custom field named as validate which can be used to pass any javascript validation function as string.

  • Pre-requisites
    • YoBulk requires the javascript function you provide to be a string
    • it will also need to be JSON escaped.please use to get the interface JSON escaped

YoBulk custom date and boolean field:

YoBulk enables developer to validate all date types by adding custom fields like custom-date-time and custom-boolean



YoBulk Regex field

YoBulk gives a provision to add any regex validation against any specific field. A regex can be added using Pattern keyword.

Example: Regex to validate email IDs with yahoo and gmail domain name.
